What Do You Want Us to Learn From This?

by Tzvi M Arnstein

January 20, 2025

A Call to Build the Beis Hamikdash From COVID and the Gaza War

In his song “Keter Melucha” (Crown of Kingship), Ishay Ribo asks a heartfelt question that resonates deeply: “מה אתה רוצה שנבין מזה?” This question is more relevant than ever as we reflect on the extraordinary events of recent years — the COVID pandemic and the Gaza war known as “The Al Aqsa Flood.” These events are not mere coincidences; they are Divine messages, wake-up calls meant to stir Am Yisrael into searching for answers and reconnecting with our ultimate purpose.

Look for the Elephant in the Room

When seeking a message from Hashem, it is crucial to identify the “elephant in the room” — the most obvious truth that everyone seems to overlook. What is the most discussed topic in the Torah? Unquestionably, it is the Beis Hamikdash and the korbanos. This theme is mentioned more often than any other mitzvah or topic in the Torah. Yet today, it is the last thing on most people’s minds. The stark contrast between the centrality of the Mikdash in Torah and its neglect in our priorities reveals exactly what Hashem wants us to focus on.

The Closing of Shuls — A Hint at True Avodah

During the COVID pandemic, Shuls around the world were shut down. Minyanim moved to balconies and courtyards. Could this dramatic shift carry a deeper message? A Shul is called a “mikdash me’at” — a small sanctuary — but it can never replace the true Beis Hamikdash. The primary service that Hashem desires is the avodah of korbanos, the sprinkling of blood on the mizbeach, and the tangible presence of the Shechinah. Perhaps the closing of shuls was a sign that we should redirect our longing toward the rebuilding of the ultimate sanctuary, where true Avodah can take place in its fullness.

“Zrikos” — Inoculations and Sprinkling on the Mizbeach

The pandemic introduced a word that became central to daily conversation: “zrikos” (injections). However, in the Beis Hamikdash, “zrikah” was a core element of korbanos — the sprinkling of blood on the altar. Perhaps the recurring use of this word is a spiritual reminder, a hint from Heaven that we should yearn for the restoration of the zrikah of korbanos rather than simply focus on physical remedies.

Social Distancing — A Message About Divine Closeness

One of the most challenging aspects of COVID was the mandate for social distancing. We were forced to stay away from friends, family, and even community gatherings. But is this coincidence? The entire purpose of creation is that Hashem can dwell among us, as it says, “And they shall make Me a sanctuary, and I will dwell among them” (Shemos 25:8). COVID magnified the feeling of distance — not just from people, but from true closeness with Hashem. Perhaps this was a profound wake-up call, reminding us that what we truly lack is the tangible, real connection with the Divine presence, which only the Beis Hamikdash can provide.

A Historical Parallel: The Plague During Dovid HaMelech’s Reign

This concept of a plague as a consequence of neglecting the Mikdash is not new. When Dovid HaMelech became king, a severe plague broke out in Israel. Chazal explain that part of the reason for the mageifah was that Am Yisrael did not show sufficient interest in building the Beis Hamikdash. Dovid’s response was to purchase the site of the future Mikdash on Har HaMoriah, laying the foundation for its eventual construction. The parallels to our times are striking — a modern plague has shaken the world, and perhaps it is calling us to renew our commitment to building Hashem’s house.

The Gaza War and the “Flood of Al Aqsa”

The recent Gaza war, ominously named “The Al Aqsa Flood” by our enemies, is filled with Divine messaging. The battle over Al Aqsa — the very site of the Beis Hamikdash — is no accident. If they focus their energy on Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, should we not do the same? A flood represents a force that cleanses and transforms. This war, too, is a flood of wake-up calls, urging us to purify our priorities and prepare for the ultimate building of the Beis HaBechirah.

The Hostage Crisis — A Call for True Redemption

The plight of the hostages taken captive in Gaza during the war is a national tragedy that weighs heavily on the heart of Am Yisrael. We all witnessed the heartwarming reunions of families longing to be together with their loved ones. There is a hidden message in this as well. For 15 months, Israel has been suffering through this hostage ordeal. But Hashem, too, is far from home, waiting for a place to return and reunite with His beloved nation. The Beis Hamikdash is the home where He will dwell among us. If we can draw inspiration from the hostage crisis and the joy of these reunions, we should realize that the greatest reunion of all time is waiting — the return of Hashem’s presence to His people. It is up to us to take action and build His home, so He can return to us.

A Call to Action

Are we truly asking ourselves what Hashem wants us to understand? Are we paying attention to the elephant in the room? The message is clear: the Beis Hamikdash and korbanos must once again become central to our consciousness, our prayers, and our aspirations.

Now is the time to learn the laws of the Mikdash, to Daven for its rebuilding, and to prioritize this holy mission above all else. “What do You want us to learn from this?” — to understand, to act, and to strive to build the great and holy House where Hashem’s presence will dwell forever.

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