A Call to Build the Beis Hamikdash From COVID and the Gaza War In his song “Keter Melucha” (Crown of Kingship), Ishay Ribo asks a heartfelt question that resonates deeply: “מה אתה רוצה שנבין מזה?” This question is more relevant than ever as we reflect on the extraordinary events of recent years — the COVID […]
PREVIOUS ARTICLE IN THIS SERIES: https://beishashem.org/is-the-even-shesiya-located-inside-the-dome-of-the-rock/ In the previous articles, we clarified that the only area on Har Habayis where a tamei mes is forbidden entry with a chiyuv kares is Machaneh Shechina, which is the area where the Beis Hamikdash and the Azara stood on the Har. The rest of Har Habayis has the […]
In Parshas Terumah, Hashem commands Bnei Yisrael “ועשו לי מקדש ושכנתי בתוכם”, “They shall make a Mikdash for me and I will dwell amongst you.” The use of the term “Mikdash” in the commandment raises an intriguing question, given that this section of the Torah primarily discusses the “Mishkan.” Rav Yosef Caro, in his Kesef […]
Unveiling the Makom Hamikdash: The Mageifa in Dovid Hamelech's Time For generations, the exact location designated by Hashem for the Beis Hamikdash remained shrouded in mystery, known only as 'מקום אשר יבחר' - 'the place that I will choose' in the Torah. The question then arises: how and when was the site finally revealed? The […]
PREVIOUS ARTICLE IN THIS SERIES: https://beishashem.org/the-even-shesiya-machaneh-shechina-and-har-habayis/ In previous articles, we clarified that the only area on Har Habayis where a tamei mes is forbidden entry with a chiyuv kares is Machaneh Shechina, which is the area where the actual building of the Beis Hamikdash stood on the Har. The rest of Har Habayis has the […]
It started over 3000 years ago. Avraham Avinu had 2 sons, Yitzchak from Sarah & Yishmael from his maidservant Hagar. Hashem told Avraham that he would bless both children; however the torch of truth and Avraham’s pure value system would be passed along only through the younger son Yitzchak. Fast forward to about 100 years […]
PREVIOUS ARTICLE IN THIS SERIES: https://beishashem.org/is-there-an-issur-kares-to-ascend-to-the-har-habayis/ In the previous article, we clarified that the only area on Har Habayis where a tamei mes is forbidden entry with a chiyuv kares is Machaneh Shechina, which is the area where the actual building of the Beis Hamikdash stood on the Har. The rest of Har Habayis has […]
The most common question (or accusation) that arises when discussing the topic of aliya l'Har Habayis is: How can it be muttar to enter the Har; aren't we all tamei and isn't there an issur kares to enter the Har when we are tamei?
There are those who claim that frum yidden that visit Har Habayis to daven and be mishtachaveh to Hashem are the direct catalyst for Muslim terror attacks on fellow Jews. Yet, this argument seems disingenuous.
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